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雅思口語話題卡(Cue Card)部分,即口語的第二部分,是很多考生在考試中為緊張的一個部分。考生在這一部分有一分鐘的準備時間,可以筆頭記錄一些自己的想法,并且要單獨對話題描述1到2分鐘。因為話題卡千變萬化,話題因季度而層出不窮,這一特點也讓很多考生在真實考場中戰(zhàn)戰(zhàn)兢兢,不知道說什么為好。1分鐘匆匆過去,有的考生連該說什么話題都可能還沒有構思好。歸根結底,朗閣海外考試研究中心的專家認為這和話題卡的后一問緊密相關。本文主要想和大家探討一下話題卡后一問的那些事,它和話題構思,以及基本信息構思的關系,以及我們應該如何進行后一問的備考準備。



看到話題的時候,考生無意識地會去想到話題卡的后一問。因為大家知道,問題通常會是這樣的:Describea gift that took you long time to choose. 讀完題,大家先想到的是為什么我會花很長時間去選呢?Describea small but successful company. 要如何去描述一個公司是很成功的,這個問題又讓很多考生陷入絕境。Describea film that you would like to watch again. 這個話題又要如何去描述我為什么要再看一遍這部電影?

帶著后一問去構思想法,非但覺得后一問難以作答,而且連該說什么也感覺相當困難。1分鐘的寶貴準備時間就這樣偷偷地溜走,什么想法也沒留下。這是很多考生在構思話題時的常態(tài)。事實上,建議大家在話題構思上應盡量避免后一問的影響,抓住中心詞,就地取材。對于話題Describea gift that took you long time to choose. 我們可以立即抽取中心詞gift, 從而構思禮物的可能物件,可以是一本書,或是一張CD,抑或是一個背包。當要我們描述Describea film that you would like to watch again的時候,很快我們可以看到中心詞film, 選材可以是經典電影如Avatar,也可以是前幾個月上映的Speed & Furious, 當然也可以是近比較火的印度電影Mygod, 這些都可以作為大家在描述電影時的可用話題。不管怎樣,先把話題構思出來,這個才是重中之重。至于該怎么說,后面我們可以再慢慢來。


同樣,在第二部分的準備過程中,每個考生先研讀的必然是話題。由于準備時間有限,有些考生也只讀了話題,沒有再繼續(xù)看四個相關的問題。而話題通常是與后一問緊密聯(lián)系在一起的。為了避免跑題,或是考生看著題目沒有想法的時候,大家會在簡單描述后,很快進入后一問解答。例如,在選好電影Avatar后,考生是這樣描述的:The film I would share with you iscalled Avatar. It is an America film. I would like to watch it again mainlybecause……這樣的表述,相信很多真正實踐過的考生才會明白,要單單解釋一分多鐘的原因是相當困難的。因此,在平時練習的過程中,大家就要養(yǎng)成描述基本信息的習慣,基本信息加上后一問,這樣結合,才更方便大家不緊不慢地說一定的時長。

同樣是電影Avatar,我們可以加上很多電影的介紹,讓考官更了解大家想要介紹的話題的內容。Thefilm I would share with you is called Avatar. It is a scientific film, whichwas released in the year 2009. I could still memorize that I watched it in thelocal cinema for the first time. Also, I went there with my parents afterdinner. It lasts for a long period, almost three hours.

在Describea gift that took you long time to choose中,除了對禮物以及后一問whywould it take you a long time to choose解釋外,如果對基本信息進行一定的描述,這樣不僅可以充實表達內容,更能夠使話題更為生動。以背包為例:Thegift is a backpack. I bought it in South Korea when I went on traveling duringthe summer holiday. I planned to send it to my friend who was going abroad nextmonth. For the backpack, it was bought in a retail store. I spent approximatelytwo hours in it.



1. 話題對比解釋后一問

首先要介紹的是進行話題對比來解釋后一問。當問題中出現程度詞如most, very, 以及抽象時間如longtime這樣一類詞的時候,建議大家可以使用對比的方式來解釋后一問。例如在話題Describea gift that took you long time to choose中,我們需要解釋whywould it take you a long time to choose, 很多考生納悶什么才是長時間,一周挺長的,說一個月是否更好呢?但是如果說一周一個月那又怎么解釋呢?感覺這樣說比較奇怪,但是只有這樣才能夠顯示是一長段時間。事實上,如果我們能夠將話題進行對比解釋,這樣大家就更能夠確定自己的表達邏輯的正確性了。

It real took me along period to choose, approximately one hour in the retail store. Actually, itusual merely takes me twenty or thirty minutes in the shop to purchase a gift forother people. I will not be bothered too much by the styles and colors.However, I hope that I could choose him a perfect gift with limited budget. Inthe retail store, there were numerous choices. So I was confused on styles ofthe bags as well as their cost. Consequently, when I chose an ideal one, it wasalmost one hour or more later.

在話題Describea time you got up early中,首先我們也可以通過時間對比來解釋自己的早起經歷。多早才算是早,對比一下就可以了。

That was amemorable experience that I got up real early, much more early then my daily life.Usually, I am the kind of person who will get up at seven o’clock to take theclass. But that day, in order to catch the plane, I got up at half past three.Luckily, we caught the plane in time. When I was on the place, I still did notfeel sleepy. Instead, I was so excited that I would go out to a new place withmy best friends. And I am quite looking forward to that.

同樣在近的流行話題中還有Describean age or stage you enjoy most in your life, 要說清楚享受可不容易,既然題目是高級的話,那我們可以找出兩個方面進行對比,這樣不就可以說清楚了嗎?

I enjoy the periodin the senior high school most. The main reason is that nowadays in theuniversity, every people in more independent. Students are all busy withthemselves and I seldom felt the sense of community. Also, the classroom is notfixed. I do not have a fixed seat or desk mate as well. Actually, it will be alittle bit lonely. But when I was in high school, I’ve got a whole class and Ibelong to the community. Every day, we got the chance to talk with each otherand discuss the problems together. Compared with childhood, life is moreflexible and without lots of restrictions from my parents in the senior highschool. So that is why I enjoy the period most.

2. 個人經歷論證后一問


如在話題Describea person who speaks foreign language well, 以自己的韓國鄰居為例,就可以做出如下的解釋:

My neighbor, as aKorean, speaks Chinese well. I still remember that two weeks ago, she went toour community to take part in a voluntary activity. As it was in the summerholiday, I also got the chance to join in the activity. During the process, Inoticed that she spoke Chinese smoothly with the other people. Surprisingly, Ialso heard that she used some famous Chinese saying. Those are the main reasonswhy I though she is real good at Chinese.

在描述Describea person who dresses well中,個人經歷同樣適用:

She is a real gooddresser. Not only she dresses herself well, but also she will often offer uswith good matching suggestions. Last month, I bought myself a dress with simplecolor. Even though it was a new one, it looks as common as my usual one. Untilone day, we met together and she recommended me with a purple belt, it suddenlymade my dress stood out. I was so pleased to have such a fashionable friend.

3. 論點列舉說明后一問

論點列舉法是大多數考生能夠想到的,用來解釋后一問的方法,也就是分幾個分論點來說明后一問。對于一些可以從多方面來說明的話題,大家不妨用分論點來列舉。如Describea small but successful company, 后一問需要大家解釋為什么說這個公司是一個成功的公司。那我們就可以用幾個分論點。


1. The time when we got to the company,there are several couples consulting there. It was so popular that even duringthe time for dinner, it was very crowded.

2. According to the consultant, the weddingdesign company owns a wide range of customers, not only the business limited tothe local area, but also to the nearby cities.

3. It is real successful that I can seemany posts online praising the company with good service and high qualityvideos.

當需要我們說明afunny child時,分點列舉也是完全可行的,考生們也可以積累一些平時在上網的時候看到的有趣素材。以下描述的是微博上分享的一位東北小姑娘質問媽媽為什么要抱別人家的小孩,小姑娘非常搞笑,我們可以列出下面兩點來說明她為什么是一個讓我哈哈大笑的小孩。

1. The main reason that I suppose she isreal funny is that in the video; she acted as an adult to complain to hermother on why would she hug other child. When she complains, she looked like alecturer with vivid gestures and rich facial expressions. Those made me laugh alot.

2. Also, I finished watching the video thatlasted for almost six minutes. The girl was so amazing and talkative comparedto others kids. Every word she uttered sounded interesting because they werefull of strong northern accent of China. Plus, it sounds quite convincing.


本文主要針對雅思口語cue card的后一問進行論述,希望考生們對話題卡的后一問重視起來,后一問才是整個話題卡核心的內容。當然,也希望大家在備考或者正式考試的過程中能夠注意到:話題構思的時候可以事先忽略后一問,讓自己盡快能夠有觀點。正式描述的時候切勿直接進入后一問的回答,這樣很有可能會影響表達的長度和流利度,一定的基本信息將會是大家增加流利度并且增加表達時長的好方法。后,后一問的問法比較開放,同樣解釋的方法也是多樣的,大家可以嘗試使用多種方法進行解釋,讓自己后一問的回答更加豐富多彩。











  • (60-80)基礎信譽積累,可放心報讀
  • (81-90)良好信譽積累,可持續(xù)信賴
  • (91-100)充分信譽積累,推薦報讀


  • 96%
  • 770
  • 79832