


當(dāng)前位置 : 好學(xué)校 朗閣廣州培訓(xùn)中心 學(xué)習(xí)資訊 資訊詳情





1. 漢語是表意(象形)文字,英語是表音文字

大部分漢語單詞本身是有意義的,我們的祖先結(jié)合自然和實(shí)際生活創(chuàng)造文字,無需通過上下文我們就可以猜出詞匯的意思,比如我們開始學(xué)的“水”“木”等,這些詞與我們實(shí)際生活中見到的實(shí)物差不多,所以我們?nèi)菀子涀≡~的意思。其次再用這些詞和其它詞組合而成的單詞我們也能夠猜出詞匯意思,比如“杉”,應(yīng)該和木頭有關(guān)。而英語是表音文字,是由一系列字母組成的,字母本身沒有意義,比如我們很難把英語里面的“water”, and “wood”和生活中的實(shí)物聯(lián)系起來。這些單詞本身是沒有意義的,是人類在發(fā)展過程和實(shí)際生活中的需要賦予了這些詞意義。再比如動(dòng)詞“搶”,無上下文提示,根據(jù)提手旁“扌”就可以推測(cè)出來這個(gè)詞是表動(dòng)作而且和手有關(guān),而英語“rob”單單一個(gè)詞,無上下文我們是很難猜出詞匯意思的,只有放在具體語境中我們才能猜出它的詞性以及內(nèi)容:He stopped me, beat me and robbed me of my money. (他截住我,打了我,并且搶了我的錢。)所以英語詞匯要放在邏輯關(guān)系語義中更容易學(xué)。

2. 在句子應(yīng)用中,漢語邏輯關(guān)系詞可以省略,而英語則不行


I couldn’tafford to study in England, because the expense is exorbitant.(2)





1. 原因

判斷題:Problems in Nordic countries were excludedbecause they are outside the European EconomicCommunity.(劍7 T3 P3-Q27)

定位原文:Those confined to particular geographical areas, such as countriesbordering the Mediterranean or the Nordic countries therefore had to be discarded.

此題很多同學(xué)因?yàn)樵谠闹形闯霈F(xiàn)European Economic Community而誤選NOT GIVEN。但是如果我們按邏輯關(guān)系“because”去定位原文“therefore”, 就能猜出答案。Therefore意思是表結(jié)果,那么前面應(yīng)該是在描述原因(Those confined toparticular geographical areas), 而問題給的原因是(they are outside the European Economic Community), 所以答案是FALSE。

表原因的邏輯關(guān)系詞:because, because of, therefore, so, hence, thus,since, result in, result from, as a result, due to, for, cause, contribute to,consequently, as, lead to, owing to and in that, etc.

2. 否定

完成句子填空:The sense of smell may involve response to ______ which do not smell, inaddition to obvious odors.(劍8 T2 P3-Q39)

定位原文:Researchers have still to decide whether smell is one sense or two-oneresponding to odours proper and the other registering odourless chemicals inthe air.

問題空格后面是一個(gè)否定定語從句“which do not smell”, 對(duì)應(yīng)原文中的否定詞odourless, less是否定詞根,所以答案是chemicals。

判斷題:Scientists haveyet to determine the cue for Chusquea abietifolia’s seasonal rhythm.(劍5 T4 P3-Q32)

定位原文:The climatic trigger for this flowering cycle is not yet known.

這題很多同學(xué)錯(cuò)選FALSE, yet to do something是表示否定的,意思是“還沒有去做”,所以答案是TRUE。

表否定邏輯關(guān)系的詞根:decline, dehydrate, disagreeable, disable, misconduct, mislead, inconsistent, inaccurate, immortal, imperfect, irregular, irrelevant, nonexistent, nonstop, unstable, uninformed, subconscious, subordinate, undervalue, underestimate, odorless and regardless etc.

表否定的邏輯關(guān)系詞:not, no, never, without and ratherthan etc.

3. 舉例子

完成句子填空:Plants which do not respond to light levels are referred to as _____.(劍5 T4 P3-Q35)

定位原文:Plants which flower after a period of vegetative growth, regardless ofphotoperiod, are known as day-neutral plants.

此題通過referred to as與known as同義替換,可以直接得出答案:day-neutral plants, 此類題型在雅思閱讀中經(jīng)常出現(xiàn)。

流程圖題:stage one resin, called ____(劍5 T2 P1-Q4)

定位原文:The result was a resin known as Novalak.

此題很多同學(xué)不認(rèn)識(shí)生詞“resin”, 但可以通過“called”與“known as”同義替換推測(cè)出答案是Novalak.

表舉例子的邏輯關(guān)系詞:such as, known as, refer to as, like, for example, forinstance, to point out, in particular, in detail, especially, specifically andcall etc.

4. 轉(zhuǎn)折

段落大意題:It was once assumed that improvements in telecommunications would lead tomore dispersal in the population as people were no longer forced into cities.However, the ISTP team’s research demonstrates that ... . The new world willlargely depend on human creativity, and creativity flourishes where people cometogether face-to-face.(劍7 T2 P1-Q5)

這道題目很多同學(xué)因?yàn)榈谝痪湓挸霈F(xiàn)improvements in telecommunications而誤選“vi. the impact of telecommunications on population distribution”。第二句話有轉(zhuǎn)折詞however, 所以答案肯定不選vi, 正確選項(xiàng)是“iii. the benefits of working together in cities”, 對(duì)應(yīng)原文后一句話。

完成句子填空:Day length is a useful cue for breeding in areas where _____ areunpredictable.(劍5 T4 P4-Q34)

定位原文:Day length is an excellent cue, because it provides a perfectlypredictable pattern of change within the year. In the temperate zone in spring,temperatures fluctuate greatly from day to day, but day length on increases steadily by a predictable amount.

這題很多同學(xué)會(huì)錯(cuò)選pattern, 原文but后面描述的是白天長(zhǎng)度(day length)是可以預(yù)測(cè)的(predictable),前半句話的意思與此相反,表示temperatures是不可以預(yù)測(cè)的(fluctuate-波動(dòng)),所以答案是temperatures。

段落大意題:In spite of its importance to our emotional and sensory lives, smell isprobably the most undervalued sense in many cultures. The reason often …(劍8 T2 P3-Q29)

這題即使同學(xué)不認(rèn)識(shí)“undervalued”這個(gè)詞,也可以通過“in spite of”(雖然…但是)推導(dǎo)出前后兩者的關(guān)系應(yīng)該是相反的(與importance意思相反,表示不重要,低估),所以答案是“vi. why our sense of smell is not appreciated”, “undervalued”與“not appreciated”同義替換。

表轉(zhuǎn)折的邏輯關(guān)系詞:but, however, yet, in contrast, onthe contrary, whereas ,nonetheless, nevertheless, while, whilst, although,despite, in spite of, whereas, alternatively, even though and even if etc.

5. 條件

選擇題:According tothe introduction, we become aware of the importance of smell when __(劍8 T2 P3-Q33)

定位原文:We breathe in the aromas which surround us without being consciously awareof their importance to us. It is only when the faculty of smell is impaired forsome reason that we begin to realize the essential role the sense of smellplays in our sense of well-being.

這題一些同學(xué)會(huì)誤選D. we are surrounded by odors。問題要求的是表?xiàng)l件when, 定位到原文應(yīng)該是when the faculty of smell is impaired(損壞)…, 所以答案應(yīng)該選C. our ability to smell is damaged.

表?xiàng)l件的邏輯關(guān)系詞:if, unless, when, whenever,granted that…., provided that…, given that.. and only etc.

6. 并列

摘要題填空:Professor Prettyconcludes that … . He feels this would help to change the attitude of both ______and ______.(劍7 T2 P2-Q26)

定位原文:It could go a long way,he says, to shifting consumers as well as farmers towards a more sustainablesystem of agriculture.

如果同學(xué)們不知道shift的同義詞是change, 可根據(jù)原文并列關(guān)系詞as well as與問題并列詞both…and同義替換,所以答案是consumers and farmers。

摘要題填空:In Britain, moreover,scientists worried that English had neither the _______ nor _______ to expresstheir ideas.(劍5 T2 P3-Q30)

定位原文:English was not wellequipped to deal with scientific argument. First, it lacked the necessarytechnical vocabulary. Second, it lacked the grammatical resources required torepresent the world in an objective and impersonal way.

“neither...nor”與原文“first…second”表并列,根據(jù)問題,答案應(yīng)該是名詞:technical vocabulary norgrammatical resources。

表并列的邏輯關(guān)系詞:and, not only…but also, neither…nor, in addition, coupled with, also, too, as well as,equally important, additionally, first—second—third…, on the one hand-on theother hand and together with etc.

7. 比較

判斷題:Johnson has become more wellknown since his death.(劍5 T1 P1-Q9)

定位原文:Dr Samuel Johnson, thevery model of an eighteenth-century literary man, as famous in his own time asin ours.


判斷題:Government handouts domore damage than tourism does to traditional patterns of food-gathering.(劍5 T4 P1-Q9)

原文定位:Tourism is not alwaysthe culprit behind such changes. All kinds of wage labor, or governmenthandouts, tend to undermine traditional survival systems.

原文中沒有出現(xiàn)表示比較級(jí)類似的詞,所以答案是NOT GIVEN。

表比較的邏輯關(guān)系詞:as…as, the same…as, unlike, like,resemble, compare to and than etc.












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