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1. Which of the following would you rather be? Lawyer, veterinarian or restaurant owner. Explain your answer in details.


I would rather be a veterinarian for the following reasons. First of all, I love animals! It'll make me feel good about myself knowing I can take care of them and fix their problems. Animals don't know how to communicate by speaking like human beings do when in pain. Professional training is essential for giving animals the right treatment. Also, so many people have pets these days. And they're willing to go to extraordinary lengths to ensure the well being of their best friends. Therefore the demand for veterinarian is enormous. And the pay isn't bad at all from what I've heard!

2. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? It's impolite to make calls or send text messages on a diner table. Explain in details.


I think it's not cool to use cellphones on dinner tables. If you're having dinner with friends and family, be with them. The family meal is a social event, not a food ingestion event. Even if your phone is in your lap, the people with you all know what you're doing when your eyes are focused on your lap. Just because it's a quiet activity, you're not fooling anyone. And then everyone's attention is on the fact that your attention is on your phone, not on them. Also, people nowadays are always connected; we rarely get a chance to have a face-to-face conversation with friends and families. Dinner tables are the ideal place for us to talk with our loved ones.

3. 閱讀:The department of Politics requires students to read international news or stories each week. The purpose is to improve student's performance. 另外開辟一個專門的地方在圖書館給這些學生閱讀資料。



理由二:有助于他們寫論文,做project,閱讀大量的文章可以提供background information


Key Points:

Reason 1: By doing so, it can encourage students to work harder.

Reason 2: It will be beneficial to their thesis writing and project because they can get lots of background information through reading numerous materials.

Reason 3: Library is a good place to study where there are many materials for students to study and finish their assignment.

4. 閱讀:Joint Venture. 講的是公司合作的問題,兩個不同領域的公司,綜合業(yè)務,形成新業(yè)務

聽力:教授舉例,說一家電視新聞公司(TV news company)想建一個網(wǎng)站,這樣顧客就方便看到新的消息。但是公司沒有人才去建網(wǎng)站,不能提供news read online,所以他們決定和一家科技公司(technology group)合作,新聞公司提供資訊,科技公司提供技術(shù)運營網(wǎng)站(maintain website)。然后發(fā)展的很好,甚至網(wǎng)站可以吸引來廣告投資,這個是他們單獨存在時誰都辦不到的。

Key Points:

Reading: A joint venture (JV) is a business agreement in which parties agree to develop, for a finite time, a new entity and new assets by contributing equity. They exercise control over the enterprise and consequently share revenues, expenses and assets. (From Wikipedia)

Listening: The professor gives an example of a TV news company that wanted to set up a website so that customers would have easier access to their latest news. But they were not able to provide news read online, so they sought cooperation with a technology group. In this way, the news company provided the latest news and the technology group maintained the website. Later on, they developed very well and won lots of ad investment, which is impossible when they worked individually.

5. 一個女生要完成作業(yè)。但是暑假要來了,沒地方住。




評價:這樣就方便,但問題是租金太貴,she cannot affordKey Points:

Problem: The woman has to finish her schoolwork but she has nowhere to live for the summer is coming.

Solution 1: She can live in her parent's home.

Comment: But there will be no information at hand for her work, besides, she will be disturbed by her parents and sister.

Solution 2: She can rend a room near her school.

Comment: It will be pretty convenient but the price is too high to afford for her.

6. 捕食者捕殺群居動物兩種策略




舉例:鯊魚想要吃魚的話,就橫沖直撞,把魚群分開,這樣就方便捕獵Key Points:

群居動物:social animals







